San Gines Miami
Over 125 years of tradition and considered the best Churros in the world. We took the challenge to introduce them to a new market.
The challenge was: how do we carry the tradition but give it a modern twist that fits the “Miami Vibe”?
For this brand, we had to take a 360 approach to introduce them to a new market. Even though a lot of people were familiar with the brand, some others needed to be introduced to San Gines and the rich history the brand has built for more than 125 years. Our marketing efforts started months before their opening by leveraging the use of paid advertising, local influencers, and organic content worthy of being shared.
It’s not an easy task to compete in Miami in the food & beverage space, however, using our simple formula of strategy, creativity and well defined KPI’s, we crushed our goals.
We generated over ONE MILLION IMPRESSIONS on social media in the first few months.
Not only the strategy has allowed San Gines to thrive on the digital ecosystem, but it has also impacted the bottom line by turning followers into loyal customers.